The next Communal Bin Review Update should be in November (CEC Transport Environment Committee Minutes, 15 June 2023, P26).
An update presented on 18 May by the Director of Place covered the anticipated implementation programme for Phase 4 of the project which is to include (among others) the Sciennes, Southside, St Leonard’s, Newington and Prestonfield areas. (Four public information events, from 6 to 13 July, offered indicative detailed site plans for proposed bin hub locations, as part of a ‘local engagement’ exercise.)
A number of the proposed locations require to go through the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process*, on account of existing parking restrictions. More generally, they should also reflect the ingathered “resident’s feedback” from the ‘local engagement’ events. (This TRO process itself includes a ‘statutory consultation’, to which residents and other interested parties can make submissions. The TRO timeline should be commencing around about now. We await more detail.)
At this point, all properties that use the communal bin service or are in the proximity of the proposed bin hubs should have received mailed information on what is intended for their immediate area. We now move forward into the consultation phase.
What happens if you have a strong objection to a specific proposed bin hub location that directly affects you? There is a Review Framework to meet ‘objections and comments provided by residents and groups’, but it is tightly structured within detailed road safety requirements and it is set to guard against ‘passing the parcel’ down the road.
You can get more information on this topic from GPCC or your local Elected Councillor.
(*”TROs are a process designed to encourage transparency, accountability and to ensure that affected stakeholders can become actively engaged in a process that legally requires Councils to consider their comments”. As a community resident, you are invited to become ‘actively engaged’.)
Reference: Agenda: Transport & Environment Committee, 18 May 2023, Item 7.3