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Writer's picturePaul Rowllings

Communal Bin Review (CBR)

The City of Edinburgh Council's Communal Bin Review (CBR) project aims to improve recycling and waste services for those living in flats.

The project should make it easier for residents to recycle by ensuring they have access to a full range of recycling bins: non-recyclable waste, food waste, glass, and mixed recycling.

The CBR team is planning engagement with the public prior to the statutory Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for phase 4 which also covers our community council area.

The feedback provided by members of the public on specific locations will be considered and accommodated where possible. This will support the determination of final bin hub locations that will undergo the statutory consultation TRO process anticipated to start in Autumn 2023.

As part of the engagement process, letters with a map of the proposed bin hub are being posted to residents and should be delivered in the next few days.

Attached are the proposed bin hub locations. These proposed bin hub locations are also available on line through a link in the darker shade areas in the city map.

A drop-in information event will be held on 11 July 2023 at Cameron House Community Centre, 34 Prestonfield Avenue, 2-5pm.

Residents are welcome to attend to ask questions, see details of what’s happening and find out how to comment on the new bin hub locations.

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